AI Features
Accessing AI Functions
- The AI features can be accessed via the play button in the header or by using the shortcut Shift + Option + Space.
- AI Features are stacked in the Knowldge Session Panel and user can have multiple AI Interactions going on simultaniously.
Types of AI Interactions
- Command: Issue structured commands to the AI to create or manipulate nodes in the tree (e.g., "Create a tree of 19th-century philosophers and their significant works").
- Chat: A conversational interface similar to typical chatbots, where responses can be directly dragged into the tree.
- Function: Allows for creating functions as nodes, adding arguments, and executing commands within the tree. Read more
AI Command
Use AI Command for manipulate structure in any way. You cad add new content, change current content, and or infer new knowledge from what's already in the tree view.
AI Command features
- Write a Command: Write a Command (like a prompt) in the Command Input field and then press the send-button. AI model is fine-tuned to understand hirarchical structures, and you can refer to structure, tree, nodes etc in your command.
- Response: AI response appears above the Command Input as a box, indicating how many tokens were used, and how many credits the command took. Click on that button to highlight the nodes that were created by AI as a result of your command. Press the Open-In icon in order to look at the data that were transfered back and forth to the AI (this is using the Knowing® Markup Language).
- Using A Data Context: Select nodes to use as a data context for AI commands, enabling the AI to generate relevant information and manipulate selected nodes.
- Limit the Data Scope: By Selecting Base Response on Attached Data Only, AI is instructed to not infer knowledge from any other data than the one attached as Data Context.
- Specify Target: Select a node in the tree where you want the AI to put the result of the Command (optional). You can also choose what to do with any nodes already located as children to that node (ie Set Aside, Delete, Ignore).
- Use structure as Template: Create an arbitrary structure with labels and description, and then drag it to Template, and the response will squezed into that form.
- Not Continous: Every Command is sent to the AI without attaching previous commands, which means you cannot refere to any previous command or response but only attach data context and write a command as-is.
You can build a structure and then use as a template for making analysis and/or squeze in any other information into that form.
AI Chat
Use AI chat for interacting with AI simularily to a promptbased bot, like ChatGPT. Conversation is continous, which mean you can refere to previous turns in the dialog in a normal fashion. You can drag any content from the conversaion into the tree, and a tree representation of that part of conversation will be created automatically.
You can use regular chat and drag in the response to create a structure.